A graduate student, fascinated by the incredible world of neuroscience. Currently, I am studying the remodeling of the extracellular matrix in the mammalian brain and how this process influences neuronal plasticity. Through this study I can partially address one of the problems that initially triggered my interest in neuroscience: memory formation and storage. I am eager to understand the molecular basis of these processes and scale up this knowledge to circuitry level and cognition.

In addition, I am keen on educating the public for the importance of neuroscience and how can we use the knowledge gained from this field to improve our quality of life. Check out my new neuroscience related audio/video podcast (coming soon).

In my free time (haha… PhD and free time) you can find me at the sport facility playing football, tennis, working out or just jogging. I also love losing myself in conversation about the human nature, philosophy and geopolitics.

Tel. +49-551-39 65 621